4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 4
Today was the most tame by far, went to do first daygame session, spoke to a few girls, Alex gave me some advice, but said some shocking things. Seems he thinks im manipulative, and socially retarded. After he said this It felt like it was true and I was scaring girls off way more than I normally was…. Alex wanted me to approach a girl whom he knew was Swedish, he has an eye for this, he wanted me to open her with something in Swedish, it took me a few too many times to understand what he said, so he just went and did it himself, and he pulled her hahah! After this I spoke to an Indian girl working as security, she was engaged, she asked for my facebook and has been texting me. After that bumped into alex with the girl, seemed to be going very well, she was relaxed and you could tell was just second to his presence. Went to watch infield at alex’s house while he was absent, number closed a girl with her parents on the way, while I was asking her for directions, she was american <3. This was about it for today, very tame…