Sydney Day 43
Tonight went to daygame at opera house, number closed a few girls, but nothing super special, one pretty cute german girl though whom is also going to ivy though :). Went home got ready to goto ivy. Got there, got into pretty good set with germans, my target had gf which I found out after like 20 mins, some guy stole her off me, which was good cause I swapped to a taller german girl whom was more on anyway. Kissed her, but they ended up wandering off.
Went downstairs to find frenchie, but before I knew it was talking to 2 young assie girls. They wanted free drinks, they were keen, so I put my arms around them and kissed both on cheek, I was gonna just go for whomever seemed more receptive right away, not something id normally do but I felt like this was the best time to do it. One was way more on than the other, grabbed her starting kissing her, grabbing her ass. Her friend said to us stay here dont leave me, she went and got free drink. I pulled my girl straight out club, after I realized she was letting me rub her pussy. Despite her friend getting fucked over and being alone.
Outside of club I realized I had no money for cab or uber…. So Tried to get her keen to walk to mine, while this was happening, her friends found her almost stole her, but I went and asked If I could hang with her, and they said only if she says its okay, and she said it was. So got her away, walked her to mine. Watched movie for like 2 mins then had sex, was obvious that was just a smoke screen haha. Then she left to find her friend, this is an snl at its most superficial haha. Tempted to go out and game again, but was lockout… This marked my number 10 lay since start of program 😉 (6 weeks) lucky double digits.