Why are you interested in pick up?

Some guys just want to get as many girls as possible. Some guys want to get into a relationship.

Let me tell you about my last girlfriend.

I met her on the beach at Bondi, in Australia.

While I’m doing some demonstrations for my students, I see this cute, skinny, innocent girl. Very fucking cute.

She’s walking past.

In one of my videos in Daygame Seduction, I talk about how to efficiently stop someone when they’re walking in the opposite direction.

I do that.

First, I give her enough distance to react.

Second of all, I give her strong eye contact.

Thirdly, I use strong vocal projection and the right tone of voice.

Fourth, I use good gestures to ensure she stops.

And finally, I make sure I use relaxed and friendly facial expressions, to help give a better vibe when the girl does stop.

With all those 5 things, stopping her is very easy.

I make a joke about her having sunburn all over her face. She’s embarrassed and giggles.

I was teaching immersion program at the time, so I had to leave quickly. Wasn’t going for an instant date, wasn’t going for a same day lay. Nothing like that.

I go to get her number, probably quicker than I should’ve. She asks why I want her number.

This is an objection. And you have two appropriate responses.

If it’s coming from a place of her not feeling comfortable enough with you, then you need to qualify her.

If the girl feels like you’re not cool enough, you need to show more value.

In this particular circumstance, she wasn’t comfortable with me enough.

I tell her it would be a cool idea for us to get tea together. That she seemed like someone I could potentially get along with, because I like the innocence of her smile and the cuteness of her personality.

That’s enough for her to give me her number.

After that, she’s very flaky.

She cancels our first date.

Eventually she does come to meet me just because of the sheer persistence of my texting.

We spend the day walking around Bondi beach. It’s cute. I try to kiss her several times, to no avail.

We go as far as holding hands.

I bring her back to my apartment. She feels a bit nervous, but then she realises there’s other people around that also speak German, and that also makes her feel more comfortable.

And we spend the day watching movies together on my bed. Nothing happens.

She’s not ready. I don’t try to force something to happen because it won’t happen, first of all. She’s just not ready.

And second of all, she won’t see me again. So I didn’t force it.

Then we go on another date. This one’s more intimate.

We kiss. But still, nothing happens. It’s the last day of the program and I’m just having fun with my students, so I don’t really try to pull her.

But importantly, on this date we shared a lot of vulnerability together.

I shared a lot of details about family, deaths, and things I wouldn’t normally share with people.

That gets her crying and telling me her story about her friend that died and the whole reason she came to Australia.

Something you need to realise is, when a girl becomes vulnerable with you, it really strengthens your bond.

She feels like she can share more with you than anyone else.

Even if she’s not that attracted to you. Even if you don’t have that much in common. There’s a strong trust there, and she feels like she can tell you anything.

If she can tell you anything, she can do anything with you.

When she’s horny and with you, she trusts you.

So, later on I’m texting her that I’m in a different city and it would be cool to see her again. I convince her to fly to another city to see me before I go.

I get a hotel room. And I find out the reason she was so hard to close: she’s a virgin.

So I ended up taking her virginity.

And later on, we travel all around Asia together for six weeks. We have a really good time.

It was actually the first time I had a monogamous thing for a while.

I found out later that her hostel friends were telling her to be careful about me, and there was a particular text that changed her mind.

I won’t reveal that here, but if you want my full breakdown of what really made this work – check out Daygame Seduction.

It’s my definitive daygame product, and the result of seven years of experience.

Luckily for you, it’s still on sale for a few more days, with massive discounts.

I’m talking over 60% off. I mean, you gotta celebrate the new decade somehow, right?

Anyway, this kind of sale is really rare and I won’t be doing it again.

So if you’re interested at all in learning how to meet girls anywhere, and how to pull them, it might be a good idea to check out my site REAL soon.


Bradicus out.
