Insta Infeld #46 IS COMING


It’s about my awesome time hooking up with African chicks in Ethiopia.


But there’s a difference now.


A BIG difference.


There will be 2 versions.


The REAL version and the YOUTUBE version.


One version will have bedroom stuff, sexual stuff, all the goodness that you’re used to as a Bradicus fan.


And one won’t.


Which one do you want to see?


The REAL version will only be at one place.


The place that is the new home for ALL of my content, completely UNCENSORED.


Bradicus Vault




If you’re not interested in that kind of RAW content, then don’t bother coming to my website.


Bradicus Vault is only for people who want to see shit that CAN’T BE SEEN anywhere else.


Shit that is too CONTROVERSIAL and too SEXUAL for mainstream media.


There’s a reason I keep getting banned.




And just yesterday, Vimeo.


Why do I keep getting banned?


Because society wants you to believe that women don’t like sex.


And that you can only provide value to a woman by being handsome or smart or rich.


But it’s simply not true.


You can get women just by being yourself.


Like I have.


I don’t let people tell me how I should act.


And you shouldn’t either.


I’m not afraid of telling girls what I do, either.


And that’s because I have NO FILTER.


And I have a belief in my VALUE.


I can be SEX-WORTHY just by EXISTING.




The truth is, there is no secret pickup line that will always work.


There’s no one technique that will fix everything for you.


But the KNOWLEDGE that you are already good enough, is enough to take your game to the next level.


Because you don’t need any of that stuff.


All you need is the will to keep coming back for more.


That’s some of the inner game stuff I talk about in Bradicus Vault.


Amongst a lot of other topics and in-depth guides, lectures, and seminars.


Bradicus Vault is on sale right now, for a very special launch.


This might be your chance to get into the world of Bradicus for as low as $19 a month.


That’s $4 a week.


Think about it.


This could really change things for you.


But it won’t always be this low.


Bradicus out.

