4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 8

I spend the afternoon with the Russian I had already closed, I think shes cute, but shes so short its a little offputting, shes like a hobbit. Anyway Ive been texting the norweigen girl from day 1 ALOT, seems she is keen to meet, but is making it hard, she does live quite far from the city!

Tonight was Ivy night, 1 week since I pulled that gorgeous norweigen girl, little did I know how into Norweigens I would be before that day…. So I met up with old mate, dont want to name names really and went out to ivy. Soon as we got there a girl approached him, she was well fit. And I spoke to her okayish friend, whom spoke like a well chav… I spent time with her, then went sailing for norweigen vikings. No luck, I got some interested from a sexy aussie girl, and a swiss girl, maybe I could pretend they were norweigen…. Haha nice one brad… No way I was gonna make my girl of the night some aussie girl.

After time, I approached a girl walking out of the toilets, she looked promising, very pale, sexy, norweigen like features.. yep she was from Norway, very good and she was very sexy. She was interested right away, spent time with her in isolation, not good, but I did open her when she was alone. Got some good interest, I sware its hard for a girl to not like me if im genuinly really into her. I knew what alex would say if he saw, dont isolate, so I told her I was gonna find her friends with her. Soon as we found her friends, they showed minimal interest in talking to me. And would pretty much ignore me….

Danced with em for a bit, and decided ill come back to her…. I found her and her friends at the elevators later, got the lift down with them, I took her to get some drinks, but this once again was isolating, and her friends dragged her away quickly. While I was with this girl the swiss girl from a few nights back came to talk to me, I shrugged her off, since I was with this girl cause you know shes norweigen… The norweigen girl had very bad logistics, had to go back with friends, 3 of them. No room left in taxi, leaving sydney next day. No phone number, no facebook, just instagram…

It was then I realised I had wasted so much time, wtf was I doing, I shouldnt just go for norweigen girls, they are awesome I know, but wtf every girl is awesome in a different way…. Later found a girl whom I spend the rest of the night with, a swedish girl. Her friend was a mong, she was kissing like every guy, but wouldnt let me talk to her friend.. It was okay, cause eventually she found a guy she stuck with. Which gave me heaps of time getting the Swedish girl to like me. It was crazy if I left her alone for a secound she would get approached nonstop by random guys without end. And you could tell she had just had enough. I Know in a way I was another one of those guys, so I dropped humor and empathy on the situation, she appreciated this. Eventually after having a good time her friend yelled at me and told me to fuck off, as we went out the front dooor. After this I pulled another student from the program back to mine, jokes he just needed somewhere to crash…