4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 21

Today went to bondi beach for the first time, other than some overpriced food, a bunch of girls with boyfriends, and one short number close. It wasnt all that eventful, the Norwegian girl from yesterday was leaving literally tomorrow morning, so I was texting her for goodbye drinks, she agreed. However by the time I got there, she wouldn’t come meet me, she was already in bed… So I decided I would approach anyway, first girls I talked to there were 3 of them, 2 Swedish one Norwegian. They were all kind of fighting for my attention, the norwegien was the most attractive, but after I talked to the other swedish girls she walked off. It was very early on in the night so it wasnt a big deal, but I could never get hold of her later on. Was talking to some irish, girl as I was talking to her I smashed her drink out her hand hahaha! So I bought her another, she wasnt anything special though.

I kinda got frustrated with sidebar so I left, intending to go meet alex and all that all the way over the side of the city. The european girls are so lovely, but its so loud in sidebar half the time communication is hard, music compounded with girls that have english as secound language, its literally a relief to talk to australian girls as bizzarre as that sounds coming from me. My love for the Norwegians is starting to run dry…. On the way to the train station, I found myself in a long interaction with a Lithuanian girl, met lots of them in london but none from here. Not as good as Norwegian girls by a long shot, but she was pretty good. She was gonna meet her sister a few suburbs down but didnt know what their plans were, they were leaving the next day. So I was about to get on the bus with her and see what happens, but decided not too.

After this I decided it was too late to go find alex, and went back to sidebar instead. I spoke to an australian girl here, oh my god it was so much easier to talk to her than everyone else. I guess I ignored australians so much here I forgot what it was like…. I ended up going outside for fresh air, spoke to a german girl, easy to understand and talk to europeans outside. Went inside with her to find her friend, a german guy. Inside it was way harder to talk again, and the langauge barrier made itself more obvious, but tried to have fun with her anyway. Needed to make decision now as it was getting late, if I was gonna stay with her or talk to more girls. It wasnt my ideal girl, wasnt 100 proud but she was good, decided to stick with her. Got her a drink, tried my best to befriend her guyfriend. I should of found more stuff I liked about her cause it was driving me crazy, she was boring me… So I naturally just went to walk off for a bit, and didn’t see her again….

After speaking to more people I eventually left the club, walked home, on the way walked past kfc, a girl walked straight out, she kinda just bumped into me, I saw that she had bristole on her shirt. So I said hello miss bristole, she kind of just stuck to me lick glue after I said that. Turns out she had just finished work, but she was so energetic and happy, I said some dumb things and she was telling me she thought I should be a comedian. It got sexually very quickly, I sat down with her, very intimate light and fun. She was so delighted to be there with me, young girl from england. I found her to be such a relief from the tense night earlier, she was light fun break from it all. At some point I felt like kissing her, and she said we should save it for the bedroom, I thought this was a very good sign. So I told her id just be happy admiring her in her underwear and falling asleep next to her. She laughed and said it was a good try. We were joking about valentines day, and she wanted go out with me for drinks, she said she was gonna pay for it, god what a lovely girl. I walked her to her hotel, cause it was getting late, I should of made an attempt to go up, but there were solid plans of a day 2 here, so im not sure I really needed too cause I was so sure she was gonna see me again, and didnt want to push it so hard.

We have organised to meetup sunday evening.