4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 34

Today Was the last day Alex was in sydney, I woke up chilled for a bit, and went to see alex for the last time with all the other guys. It was weird knowing it was all coming to an end today. While waiting for alex I did some approaches, when he arrived he was nice and pumped. Alex awarded all of us our shirts, and said something about each of us. I ended up getting awarded my polo shirt 4th, apparently alex was going to give to me no matter what, but wasn’t going to tell me. Cause of a deep change I have had on this program. The way he spoke about me now was a lot different than how he did before, and this was obviously somwhat intentional to open me up to change as im way too stubborn. Fuck alex had some nice things to say about everyone, it really was a ceremony. We all got a photo, will upload it soon as I get it. The shirt was really nice and probably most most expensive piece of clothing haha. It has 4wnkx on it which means 4 week natural kings cross.

After we all said bye to alex which was quite emotional, it feels like the end but its really the beginning! we headed over to hq which was open for a bit longer, before we go out to world bar. However it was just me and another student here, tonight it was literally just backpackers at world bar. I had some good interactions early, that I could easily reproach well. Girl from new zealand I kissed, a Norwegian girl that actually looked aussie, whom was lovely. Some swiss5 girls and more. But rather I went with another student on his pull with 2 germans, seemed he would of liked a wing. But the whole vibe was too friendly, and it was too late to get back in club. We had drinks at his house on the rooftop. Was too hard to get out of the friend vibe, either it was cause they were german, or wasnt set up properly, cause I jumped in last second. Anyway it was still fun, went home after this.