Sydney Day 35

Today me and frenchie went to look for next accommodation so we went to places to use their wifi. First at mcdonalds, I spoke to a girl about the internet, she was from slovakia, spoke to her for a bit, shes keen to get a drink later on in the week. Seems it will be on friday, later on met some middle eastern girl who is also keen to meet again later. Now the program has officially ended im not going to write my field reports to the high standard I once did, I will just still write them for habits sake.

Went to world bar for last night with most of the boys, before heaps of them depart back to their cities. However I was in set most of the night with some girl, she was pretty cool. But I ended up getting mad at her cause she said she made me wait for ages and didnt come back. I wouldnt normally wait but she was super genuine about coming back, but she didnt stupid… So when I saw her next I wasnt impressed lol.

A lot of the boys disappeared early to goto another place to smoke cigars. There was a cute girl telling me to come to another club I met on the train last week, she was a photographer, I should of just gone there. After this went to hq and hanged for some of the boys for the last time.