Sydney Day 56

Today got to know everyone at the hostel a bit more, the english guy, the 2 english whom are actually Scottish girls together. The english girl whom turns out to be a 18 year old stripper, the guy from last night is her boyfriend, but shes so friendly. The German girls are sweethearts, whom me and the english guy went out today and got shesha with, lovely girls. One isnt good at all, the other is pretty cute. Tried to get them to come out with me tonight, but they had stuff to do in the morning, so they agreed to go out tomorrow night at ivy, the big one, and we organised to pre drink before and play games!

Tonight I went out to world bar, and met up with josh and some others. Love josh, we fucked around so much, wasnt the best night. Spend most of it with an indian girl I was doing a silly open to impress Josh. She had a boyfriend but lied the whole night saying she didnt just to hang out with me… Ended up being a waste of time ughhhh. Owell, well it was fun hanging out with josh regardless hehe.