23.4 C
Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Daygame Model For Pulling Girls During The Day + Same Day Lays

The structure I want you guys to being using daygame to start maximizing your results RIGHT NOW!

What It Took Me To Change How I looked At Meeting Women Forever ft....

My long transformation with women dating and pickup, that lead me to learn so much more...

The Worst/Unlucky Day I Had In Bali + Infield Previews + LIVE QA from...

Live stream with my mate tommy, where we answer your questions, and i tell a crazy story that almost involved be dying.

Comfort Is More Important Than Attraction – Live Q&A From Toronto ft. Justin Letsgetgirls

Toronto Meetup:  Free event link: http://bit.ly/2zCkMhb  Hotseat: http://bit.ly/2RH1XAF

This One Thing That Surprisingly Gets Me More Sex (Voice Messages) + Infield Pull

How sending girls voice messages actually reduces flakes, and makes me get laid surprisingly alot more than you would expect...

Be Willing To Walk Away From Any Girl & Situation + Infield Pull

Bradicus talks about the power of being able to walk away from any girl, and how this will change the dynamic of your interactions and image of yourself...