The Daygame Model For Pulling Girls During The Day + Same Day Lays
The structure I want you guys to being using daygame to start maximizing your results RIGHT NOW!
What It Took Me To Change How I looked At Meeting Women Forever ft....
My long transformation with women dating and pickup, that lead me to learn so much more...
The Worst/Unlucky Day I Had In Bali + Infield Previews + LIVE QA from...
Live stream with my mate tommy, where we answer your questions, and i tell a crazy story that almost involved be dying.
Comfort Is More Important Than Attraction – Live Q&A From Toronto ft. Justin Letsgetgirls
Toronto Meetup:
Free event link:
How To Deal With Foreign Girls With Little/No English + Infield
How to manage girls who speak no English
This One Thing That Surprisingly Gets Me More Sex (Voice Messages) + Infield Pull
How sending girls voice messages actually reduces flakes, and makes me get laid surprisingly alot more than you would expect...
Be Willing To Walk Away From Any Girl & Situation + Infield Pull
Bradicus talks about the power of being able to walk away from any girl, and how this will change the dynamic of your interactions and image of yourself...
How To Generate & Manage Alot of Leads & Dates + Live Q&A From...
Live QA From Warsaw Poland, about dates
Answering All of Your Questions – Live Q&A From The Hidden Gem of Kazakstan
Livestream from Kazakstan)