4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 6

I had a date organised this morning, I met her on the plane over here. I organsised to meet her at a pub in surry hills. I sat down outside the pub waiting for her, when she came we sat down chatted for a bit. Then headed somwhere more suitable, she knows this place better than me. I got us both a drink, chilled for a bit, it was a little awkward, I was playing this date the way alex would want me too, not much intent, not much escalation, less talking. Just less everything, she offered to show me some cool places, after discussing some of them. We decided the aqurium would be good, we went to the city, got a fairy. I was holding back, I knew I shouldnt try to make anything happen, purposely leave it silent, at times It was some what weird…. We were both hungry, so we got food. She knew I didnt have a job, so she offered to pay for the food, and insisted, so I let her. It had been about 3 hours, and I had another date planned very soon, so either id conclude the date soon or try to pull her, but no I cant pull, have to chill, told her I didnt want to keep her out too late, and she said she needed to get home eventually so we got the fairy back to the city. On the way back something nice happened, we got way more relaxed with other, and it got pretty arousing, bumping into each other. She was just more comfortable about everything, I could feel the sexual tension… But it was time to go, so said goodbye when to kiss her on cheek, she went for the lips, so I just pecked her on lips and said cya soon. As the train door closed, she said im gonna be with some friends saturday we are going paddle boat riding, you can come :). I feel like this date was very solid, and it all came together in the end, and literally did so much less than I thought I needed too. VERY GOOD BRAD

Next I met Russian girl I talked to like a total of 5 mins, shes so short, like 4 foot 9 lol…. So we met took her to bar, she was nervous, so I kept distance, and used my expertise in Russian to build rapport, its funny you can do this a lot of the time by talking shit about Germans haha. But I speak some dumb funny Russian, and talk about russian history. And she asks me lots of questions about me. She got asked for id 2 times, and I got weird looks, she clearly is old enough she is 23, but shes so short, people stare, I dont care she looks so cute. And I always had a spot for russians.

She starts talking about movies, and asks me what ones I like, ding ding this is a good sign I think. She is also very compliant to any touch, I touch her hand and she tries to hold hands. So after we finish our drinks, we walk around and somehow get back to my house to watch movies, no surprise since she was talking about about movies. When we get back, have to talk to my house mate from airbnb for like 30 mins, before we goto bedroom. We watch it for a bit, kiss, a little go back to it, kiss more, take some clothes off, I tell her I just love looking at her in her underwear, watch more, she starts moving in. Then it all happens. Hang out for a bit, then take her home like a gentleman, long walk!

On the way home I spoke to a girl out front of world bar, take her to toilet, get food with her. She tells me shes happy to come with me cause shes single. Then when we almost at my house, her friends call she jumps in taxi bye bye, too good to be true I guess hahaha. Good day