4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 15

After last night I was exhausted, and spent most of the day trying to sleep, as people were coming in and out of the hostel, was meant to go on a daygame session with Alex, but I wouldn’t make the most use of it. I was feeling on top of the world though, the american girl I saw before she left, has been sending me lots of messages, shes basically in love with me, and is talking about how I was in her dreams, and that she looking forward for my reply, its a little full on, pretty sure when I goto America I will have somewhere to stay :).


After some on and off sleep, I went to me et a student at train station, on way I met some swedish girls, we spoke to them on train, we got off at the next stop, I didnt realise this was our stop, I was going to get one of their numbers but didnt have the time. On the way to ivy, we met 2 english girls and went in with them. Pretty soon after we got in, we separated and did our own things, I went upto 2 danish girls, ones was a lot hotter. While I was talking to the one I didnt go for, another student came in and starting focusing on the girl I wanted, obviously not understanding what I was doing, so I had to make it obvious to him, to talk to the other girl. While I waited for him to do that, I quickly spoke to a canadian girl, until it was clear he moved over to talk to the other one. Then I turned around and talked to the danish girl I intented to go for, I only spoke to another girl to make it less obvious to the girls what we were doing/ swapping girls.

Spoke to her for a bit, after she was pretty interested, I did a take-away it was still early, then came back in later where other students were talking to them, spoke to her for a bit longer before we walked them upstairs to the pool. Where Alex was, so I was intending to go up there eventually. When we got up there, we let them go do their own thing, and I went to suss out the area, I decided I can reapproach her later, I have her number, and shes already messaged me. Spoke to a small young lady from new yorke, she was at the club alone, well dang thats weird. She was awesome, she wanted to float around and meet people, I got her facebook. Realisticly I should of stayed with her, she was literally at the club alone.

As I walked off, I bumped into alex and the students, whom where all around a large group of Norwegian girls. I met this group last week, and went for some of the girls, but the girls I went for werent here, and the girls didnt really remember me that were here. I spoke to some of them, and ended up talking to one of them the most, good looking norweigen girl. Alex was nearby watching, today I actually didnt really feel the need to pull, since my penis was so sore, and still felt tired, and felt like I was good from yesterday. It was a good feeling really, one thing I do a lot is drink some of the girls drink, gives you a good indication if she would kiss you later/exchange saliva. We talked about going for a swim, and getting more drinks. She taught me some norweigen, showed me pictures of her home city not Oslo.

Alex came over and took photos of us a few times, after a bit her friends went for a swim, where we watched them and recorded them, while she held their stuff. One of her friends pissed her off, she was gonna get kicked out for not wearing a bra, so asked the girl I was with for her bra, and she got annoyed. So dragged me off, and we sat down at a table over the other side. This is where I had her isolated for a while, one of my friends came over, and I introduced her to him, he didnt stay for long. Alex walked past a few times and waved, I knew he was thinking dont isolate, she wanted to get away from them, wether I knew it or not alex was right. It was going well with her, I could see I could kiss her, but I could see some of her friends were nearby watching, so I was not gonna do that infront of them.

She was like with 30 norweigens, and I didnt really know what ones who the ones she was staying with or loyal too, this was a problem…. When we went to find her friends, we bumped into some norweigens I hadnt seen before, and some of them were norweigen guys, immidiately they cockblocked me and pusshed me away, and put her in the middle of them, it was strange cause I thought I met all her friends, like 10 norweigens, but there was another big group, how was I supposed to know this would happen. So I walked off nothing I could do now, until I saw her again.

In the meantime I bumped into the danish girl from earlier, she was now with a guy whom had a table with bottle service she was into him, fair enough. Later on the norweigen girl messaged me asking where I was in norweigen, and to find her. But when I found her she was with 2 guys, one was grabbing her ass. So I didnt go over, I only went over like 30 mins later, mistake, I let him have time with her, I should I went over quicker. By the time I got there, she liked him quite a bit. After a bit, I just walked off, knowing best case senario is I beat the guy here, but I still cant even pull her. So I decided to go start fresh, and it was like 2am…. dang

I was sick of the pool area, its too chill, I like more intensity, fun. So went down stairs where the actual club is, before I know it I see a girl talking to a guy, he is over escalating, and you can see she doesnt like it. I talk to her after she blows him off, and come in with strong statements of empathy, and joke around about being a drunk guy whos gonna spill a drink on her. She loved it, Her logistics were, her friends had already left, and she was in club alone. Cool sat down with her, got to know her, she was norweigen, but had an american accent since she went to school there. Cute american accent, and the good looks of a norweigen ;). Very good. After a bit, when the club was getting empty and dying, I said lets go find your friends, and ill make sure you get home safe. We left arm in arm, found her friend at maccas.

Got to know them, helped them blow off the guys that were harrasing her earlier, that came over, then walked them to get an uber. She asked if I was coming, and I was like ofcourse, and got in. But when we got there, she saw her all her housemates were awake in the living room we could see them from outside, and she didnt like this. And was like of fuck this makes me feel weird about this, and basically said I could not come up for this. She was so sorry, she paid for my uber home… And that was my night.