Sydney Day 60

Today Arranged a date with brazilian girl I met at ivy on day 57. Met her and took her to a cheap bar where we got drinks. Did very light escalation early on, not really any resistance, made her feel special. Qualified her, had some drinks. Then while we were talking close, just kissed her. While getting more drinks she waited downstairs, Spoke to a cute aussie girl at the bar, told her I was on date ;). Fuck this aussie girl was so nice, I really wanted to get her number, she was single, but I felt bad for my lovely cute brazillian girl. So I held off.

We had some difficultly communicating at times, as her english isnt perfect. But it was still fun and a nice vibe, it was just an adventure understanding each other. While she was in the toilet, the cute aussie girl came over to say hi. The brazillian came out the toilets, and we spoke for a bit longer, and the aussie girl excused herself saying bye. Damn it would have been nice to get her number, but if it at the expense of me and the brazillian girl I woudlnt do it hence why I didnt.

I was the first aussie guy the brazillian girl had met, so I was special too her. We went to the opera house as she hasnt seen it before, walking around looking at the nice view, closely together, kissing each other while admiring the beauty of it all. It got pretty sexual. And towards the end I brushed my hand against her crotch, trying to see if I could get a public pull, since im at a hostel. She freaked out a bit so I didnt persist any longer. But she was still lovely with me. Later she left, hopefully see her again, but it seems I might not be in sydney for much longer….