Vegas Immersion my Journey from Australia by Bradicus (2014)

While at the RSD Todd hotseat back in october 2014, I he mentioned Vegas Immersion, and I was hooked. The idea of going to the city with the biggest night life in the world really got me. I started the process of signing up…. There were a few hiccups with booking flights but it ended up all getting organised in time. I was to arrive on the 24th Of November, this would be Day 0 of my adventure to Vegas.

Day 0

I arrived at the airport with my mum and my nanna, ever so excited to get on the plane. I wanted to start approaching as soon as I was away from the prescense of my family… The moment I went to the boarding gate, a lovely lady started talking too me, she was an American. I had hadnt even got on the plane yet and I was meeting American girls. We spoke briefly as we had different seats. So my first destination was Melbourne, after a short flight, one i’m quite used too. When I arrived in Melbourne I met another lovely american, whom I spoke to for quite a bit, she asked for my facebook. Once again I wasnt able to talk to her long as soon as I was on a flight to Aukland, New Zealand. This flight was to be about 4 hours, the longest flight I have ever been on, but there was more to come.. Arriving in New Zealand, the first time I have left Australia literally, the first country to ever arrive too from australia, and I wasnt even going to have time to get off the plane, it was a step over.

The next stop was Los Angeles, I had always seen this city on tv, video games. The flight here was unbearingly long, 13 hours…. If 4 hours wasnt long enough….. I spent alot of this time getting sick, as alot of the people on the plane were coughing…. And to make it worse the girl sitting next to me whom was Australian was a complete mong, she was rude…. On arrival to LA, I noticed my final flight to Las Vegas, VIVA LAS VEGAS, was delayed. So I decided to look for someting to eat, all the food was retardly expensive…. 10 dollars upwards for shit food, and this is in USD thats like 12 AUD… So I decided to do some approaches (zombie tired appraoches)…. So I got on my last flight, this was too be a very short flight. On arrival to Las vegas, literally as soon as I got of the plane there were slot machines everywhere…. And there were people on the, wtf??? I went to pick up my luggauge, by this point I hadnt noticed any young people. Mostly just old people….. Didnt quite fit my idea of las vegas… But soon there were two very loud american sexy american girls, I watched them for a bit, before approaching them, I dont normally wait but this was a weird circumstance for me….