Infield Reveals Bradicus Used To Be A Chode ft. Kong From...

Bradicus caught out! He used to be a chode! Old infield reveals what Bradicus used to be like... Look how much he has changed....

The Truth About Tinder – Why Meeting Girls In Real Life...

Tinder VS Cold Approach - Why Cold Approach Always Beats Tinder

Why Girls Aren’t Interested In You – Give Her Value |...

Stop expecting the girl to be interested in you just because you spoke to her! You need to give her some kind of value,...

Why Logistics Beats Game – The Fastest Way To Improve Your...

Logistics Beats Game - Why Improving your logistics may be the fastest spike in your game!

The Truth About Flakes – Why Girls Keep Flaking You!

Why do girls continuously flake you? Bradicus talks about how to reduce flakes!

Why Becoming Too Content May Hinder & Halt Your Progress –...

Becoming Content may stop you from becoming your best - how to avoid this trap!

Comfort VS Attraction – Why It Took Me So Long To...

Bradicus talks about why comfort is much more important than attraction - why it took me so long to figure this out. + Daygame...

Get Her By Listening – Listen To Her & She Will...

Why listening to her will help you get her! She will show you what to do you just need to listen. ft. The General

Reaction Seeking – Why You Need To Stop Looking For Her...

Bradicus and Chris Manak talk about reaction seeking from girls and an exercise on how to deal with it!

Hesitation Is The Biggest Killer – Why YOU Need To Just...

Stop Hesitating - Why you need to just Go, and let the rest fall into place + daygame beach infield