4 Week Natural Program Journal – Day 24

Today we had the first seminar of two, about inner game Alex was doing. After the seminar me and a bunch of the lads chilled for a bit, before deciding where to go tonight. Only 3 of us ended up going to the shief. This place was full of Australians, no tourists really, kind of a relief a bit, needed to get a break from international girls I think! Had a bunch of drinks early, went and did approaches, first time I came here I was with the Norwegian girl, which was horrible, so it was good to actually check this place out again in a clear state of mind.

After a few approaches, I opened a girl part of a bigger group. I went in VERY strong on the empathy and lots of compliments. After throwing lots of compliments her way, expecting nothing in return, she put her arm around me looking happy. We spoke for a bit, none of the people around really payed attention to her. So I didn’t see the need to address the group as of yet. She was lovely, so I offered to goto the bar and get a drink with her, this was isolating, however she wasnt a young girl that was being protected by her friends, this was a much more mature crowd. While waiting for the drink we kissed, but I made sure it was only short and brief, I didnt want to give away too much too early. She led me upstairs, rather than going back to the group I met her with, I even said we can go back to her friends, and she did not care, good. Went upstairs chatted for a bit, started challenging her, saying she needs to meet the creepy guys of the night. Told her I challenge her to a dance competition. Like that she grabbed the next guy that walked past, I saw this in alexs videos once, he just waits it out. I do this….. She doesnt leave the guy shes still on him very close and intimate. So I pull her away, she comes over for a bit, and talks to him again.

At the time im thinking fuck im losing her….. And realize wait im enough just hang around and see what happens, who knows whats shes actually doing. So I chat with some girls next to her very friendly, nothing absurd dont want to go overboard. Engage my girl for a bit, try to get her to come with me, she wants to stay. So I chill hesitantly for a bit longer, before I know it she gets bored of the guys and tells me lets go. Like that we leave the club, I call an uber. When we get to mine she wont come inside, and says shes going to hers. I decided to just go with her, she doesnt object, go home with her. And well you can guess what happens….