Do you know what day it is?
After a lot of time hidden in the shadows…
After a mountain of demand and requests from guys like you…
After It’s been BANNED from mainstream platforms such as YouTube and Instagram…
The long-awaited release is FINALLY here…
The BRAND-NEW Bradicus Vault is

Live! >>>CLICK HERE<<<

Dude, I’m so excited for you right now.
In this brand-new training I displayed all the BEST bids from my past approaches totally UNCUT
REAL, RAW Interactions of me with women.
If you know me, you know some of them got WILD.
And often INTIMATE.
It also includes exclusive interviews, seminars and travel guides full of POLITICALLY INCORRECT
information that would make Instagram censors shit their pants.
The type of information I could only share in the New Bradicus Vault, otherwise I’d be banned
FOREVER from social media.
No filters, No rules.
Only BLUNT, RAW, REAL game.
You’ll have firsthand access to all my best techniques, strategies and body language secrets to
attract and seduce any girl, anywhere.

And you’re free to STEAL all the lines, jokes, and moves I used to seduce hundreds of girls all
around the world!
You’ll literally have a privileged overview of how my brain works in various situations to always
know what to say and how to act around HOT CHICKS.

You = Hot Girl Magnet

And you know what’s best?
I’ll keep updating the Bradicus Vault with all my BEST future approaches.
So you’ll have access to all my most recent high level game techniques UNCUT and
Not to mention all my other future videos: Guides, talks, compilations, breakdowns and
In other words, I’ve created a sacred PUA temple on the inside of the NEW Bradicus Vault
where politicly correctness WON’T CENSURE us anymore.
And we can get as RAW and UNFILTERED as we want.
Sounds awesome?
Yeah, I know (:
And its about the get MORE AWESOME!
As a celebration for the launch of the BRAND-NEW Bradicus Vault, I’m giving out a HUGE

You Must Qualify.
Based on everything I know about you; I think this is perfect for you.
However… there’s 3 types of guys I know for certain the NEW Bradicus Vault is not for.
So let’s just quickly make sure that’s not you and we’ll get you set up.

1. Guys who like to fuck fat chicks.
If that’s you, the NEW Bradicus Vault is NOT FOR YOU. Only guys interested in fucking the
hottest girls in their city are allowed on the inside with us.
2. Guys who don’t want to MASTER game.
People not interested in getting REALLY FUCKING GOOD at game can’t hang with us. If you’re
satisfied with mediocre results, go look somewhere else.
3. Guys who do not take action.
Dudes who are lazy and not serious action takers are not allowed. They don’t deserve to have
access to such powerful information.
Guys who fall in any of these categories should be GONE by now.
I’ll give a second for them to leave…
Thank You.
Now, if my predictions are right and you’re still here with me, then you have my full permission
to go ahead and get your spot inside the NEW Bradicus Vault with us.
And what a ride this is about to be!
What do you think is the first thing you’re gonna feel after you have installed all my best game
techniques into your subconscious?
Think about it…
Imagine how powerful you would feel to know you could go out tonight and come back with a
hot ass girl back to your place.

The Hottest Girls.

Think about all the types of girls you’ll be able to seduce after you know ALL the forbidden
information I can’t say on YouTube.
What would your friends think about you after they saw you using the Brand-New Bradicus
Vault to pull girls left and right?

Will they start asking YOU for dating advice?
It’s up to you, my handsome brother.
Right now I have a girl by my side begging nonstop for sex.
I told her I had to send this email to my team first.
Priorities… u know (-:
I’ll go satisfy this lucky chick now.
And as always…
Bradicus out.
P.S. The spots for the NEW Bradicus Vault will probably fill out very fast, so run to see if you
—->>> Click Here To Ger Instant Access To The Brand-New COMPLETE Bradicus Vault Now!