Are you happy with your pickup skills?

If not, something has to change.

Your mindsets are what have gotten you where you are.

This is where the transformation begins.

Every time you see a beautiful girl and you don’t approach her, you’re confirming a belief that has been there for millions of years; that approaching is dangerous.

But every time you talk to a girl, and nothing bad happens, you’re proving that primal urge wrong.

Eventually, you rewire your brain to be more efficient for your needs.

It’s amazing meeting girls. It really is.

There are literally women that tell me that they really do want to be approached. And to make a connection with someone.

And to have sex.

They just don’t want the stigma of it. Sometimes the negative reaction you get is just a conditioned response because of the people around.

Once you understand this, you can easily buy into her mentality.

A woman wants dominance, assertiveness, and empathy.

Give her these things, whilst being considerate of the environment around her, and you have won.

She just wants to feel free and not judged.

The more you understand about women, their desires, and how they view themselves, the more success you will get.

You’ll realize there’s no need for approach anxiety.

And that is the first step to becoming a true MPUA.

To continue on the journey, check out my progam

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